Helicoil replacement on e-series

anybody has the part number/manufacturer of the helicoil M6 threaded inserts on e-series? I slightly pulled out the last thread of one on one of our robots and the helicoil protrudes slightly out of the flange and needs replacement. UR quotes a full flange replacement which I’m definitely not doing.

I suspect that these are Helicoil Tangfree from Boehlhoff but wondering if anyone has a part number?


So nobody had this part replaced? I found talking with Böllhoff a similar part number but they only stock 6mm long helicoil while this one seems to be only 4mm so non-standard. Any distributor around can confirm that UR only do exchange of the entire tool flange part and not replacement of the helicoil only? Any way to supply the 4mm helicoil alone?