EM-Stop to external Saftey SPS

Since we have an external Safety SPS I have to wire the EM-Stop Button from the UR5e to my Safety SPS.
Are there a documentation like wiring diagram from the EM-Stop and how to disconnect it from the UR5e?
TY :slight_smile:

You can pass the emergency stop signal through to the Configurable Outputs. You can read more about it in the user manual. :slight_smile:
Manual can be found here: UR Download | Support Site | Universal Robots

You’ll also have to change the Installation to set up the Configurable Outputs for Emergency Stop.

Unfortunately there is only the “Emergency Stop System” Signal. So when I pull out the EM-Stop Button the “Emergency Stop System” is still “LOW” till you reset the Robot.

This means I cannot reset the master safety system.
At the same time I cannot reset the Robot since the master safety is not reset.

This one could be useful too:
