Edit G-Code on the Teach Pendant?

Is there a way, or are you planning on adding a g-code (remote toolpath) editor in Polyscope? It would be fantastic to be able to edit feedrates, or make adjustments to g-code programs right on the teach pendant. Thanks!

Anyone from UR have thoughts on this?

Is anyone considering this kind of functionality on the teach pendant?

Currently I think the only way to modify the Remote TCP Toolpath speed is to instead of using feedrate of gcode use tool speed option and set your tool speed in mm/sec.

I don’t think there is an option to open the gcode file on robot to edit. The UR likes the gcode in a very specific format when interpreting it (might be very easy to create typo’s in your code on the pendant).

This request could be added to the “Wishlist” category of the forum.

MikeM, thanks for the response! Yes it is possible to override the feed rates defined in the GCode using the feed and acceleration defined on the handheld. By defining the feeds in the Gcode, it’s possible to speed up and slow down sections of a toolpath to optimize the cuts. But when overriding feeds in the control, it creates a constant feedrate in the toolpath, eliminating the desired speed ups and slow downs. Another thing that would be helpful would be to adjust clearances on Z heights or lead-in distances in X and Y; simple tweaks to optimize a toolpath; these could be easily done with a good editor. I know that offsets are not understood by the UR software, like G40, G41, G42, but that also would be an excellent feature to significantly improve the functionality of running g-code programs. We have had great success using our UR10e for routing, sanding and drilling operations, and adding this kind of functionality would greatly simplify making adjustments needed for slight variations in router bit and sanding wheel diameters, etc. Thanks for your response!