We have an application with a UR10e placed on a table, and two nanoscan3 pro. The scanners are used to cover all sides, to detect if someone approaches the table. they have two safety outputs each, one to force reduced mode, one to stop the robot.
As far as I understand, the latter is called Safeguard stop. At least it’s mentioned in the manual like this. Unfortunately, in Polycope, there is only Safeguard reset, which sounds to me like the inverted of it. Can you confirm?
Anyway, unfortunately it’s not possible to configure two safety inputs for Safeguard, and two for Reduced mode. When I want to assign the second of them, it always removes the function from the first one. How can I configure Polyscope to allow multiple safety inputs for Safeguard and Reduced mode?
There are dedicated terminal blocks on the far left side of the controller for safeguard stop. And as you have found, the configurable inputs can be used for Reduced Mode. It’s important to understand that the UR controller IS NOT a safety controller. You cannot do things like “scanner 1 AND scanner 2” or “scanner 1 IF the robot is in this position.”
For your application of just wanting to trigger the condition on either scanner, I would just use relays. Likely you can set the output of the scanners to be OSSD so you wouldn’t need crosswire detection on the relay. Kinda depends on your risk assessment though.
I would use 4 relays, one for each channel of each signal to maintain the dual-channel redundancy. Use the scanner’s OSSD outputs to drive the coil, and pass a 24v signal from the robot across all 4 sets of contacts in series. In this way, if either scanner is tripped, the signal will break going to the robot. Both scanners must be clear for the signal to make it.
Otherwise I find that some cheap safety controllers from Keyence or similar are a good option.
Our supplier could offer us such an electronics.
But I think it’s pretty sad that Polyscope is so limited not to provide logical conjunctions on safety inputs. So, there are tons of safety inputs but they aren’t really usable, except you use all kind of safety input functions and each of them exactly once, which is a rather unrealistic scenario…