UR6 Safeguard interface

I am working with an old UR6 (2011) that has been shut down for some years, but is working fine.

I tried connecting a safety scanner to the Safeguard stop interface, but it doesn’t seem to work like the newer robots. Below is the description from the manual. From the example it looks like you connect it just like a new robot, but it remains in safeguard stop when it connect it like this.

It also seems weird that one input says positive and one says negative. I’ve tried some different wiring combinations but no luck. Any ideas?

Link to manual: https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/ur-support-site/18369/manual_en_1.3.pdf


The old CB2 robot series used a positive and a negative signal for safety, just as you noticed yourself. You can’t use the OSSD outputs from a safety scanner today, since it’ll be both OSSD and two positive signals.
Instead, you should get a relay between, which relays TA - SA and TB - SB.

Also remember the A and R terminals. A should be wired to A and R to R for automatic release of the safeguard.


Thank you for the reply, I will do that :slight_smile:
