Hello guys, on my UR10e robot, when I plug the ethernet cable (RG45) the robot does not emit any signal (the orange light which appears on the router), I have changed the cable, the router but it doesn’t work (while the cable and router works on other devices which means the problem is on the robot).
Could you please help me to find out what would be the problem?
Have you enabled Ethernet connection in:
Hamburger menu → Settings → System → Network
Yes, if we are talking about this:
Else this one below connects to a network on tis own when there is a network present
My static IP settings looks like this:
Mine Also changes, normaly it is but as it is not Connected it shows the
I have connected UR with network couple of times and had never any problems with this. I have no more ideas what can be wrong with your connection 
I don’t understand either, anyway Thank you.
Hello everyone !
As part of my research work, I started working with an UR10e, and I’m currently facing to very same problem : when I plug the Ethernet cable, neither the Ethernet port, nor the switch I’m using are showing any light… On top of that, I also get the “Not connected to network!” error message, and I cannot even change the IP address when switching to static mode 
Did you manage to find a solution to this issue with your UR10e ? If so, could you please explain how ?
Thank you in advance for your answer !
Best regards,