C210A0: Socket is read-only when robot is in local (Teach pendant) control

i sometimes get this message when transmitting urscript to port 30001 or 30002.
Someone got a hint why this happens or how to resolve this?


On e-Series, you need to explicitly be in “remote control” mode to enable robot control over external interfaces.
By default the robot is on “local control”, which enable programming and motion by the Teach Pendant.

The decisive selection between control source is a requirement in ISO 10218.

I double and triple checked… and i get this message when the robot is in remote control mode.

Figured that out:
Socket keeps it local/remote state from time of connect()

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I missed the same trouble when i tried to remote control,
I wonder how did u solve this problem,would u tell me detailly,
Thanks a lot!

I wonder the same, have you been able to solve that?

@luq You must establish the connection after switching to Remote mode and not before. :slight_smile:

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Has there been any further developments on this item? I am working with a UR3e with remote mode enabled, but I am receiving the same warning on the console as described above. Could someone from UR please advise?