Auto Init does not work

Hi All

I am currently programming a cb5 ur10e connected to a siemens s7-1200 (firmware 5.12.2).
I would like to Start and Stop the robot via boolean regs over profinet.

The problem here is that the robot will not initialize automatically.
I have writen a small piece of code that reads the position of the robot and sends it to a safe position but the program will not start automaticaly. I mean, the program will be in running mode but it will still ask me to initialize it manually, by pressing continously that button…

Any help?
Thank you

Hi @vt1,

for that you have to use the Dashboard Server communication.
I´ve done same.
I´m controlling my UR10e with a Siemens S7-1212C.
U have to write urself a step-by-step routine (at ur PLC) and send the Dashboard commands one after the other to the Robot.
It´s a bit tricky and took me ages to get it running smoothly.

Also keep in mind, that u need different “routines” in cause u have an Emergency Stop pressed or the robot has a protective stop!

Greetings from Luxembourg!