Adding and removing safety planes from URScript


we are evaluating one of your Cobots in an automation application to replace current robot.
Since we are working in a complex environment, we have vision based system, which restricts and permits the robots movement. Is is possible to
a) Adding and removing rectangles or other simple geometric shapes to restrict the robots movement in dynamic environment and
b) add more than 8 Planes?

In the manual i saw a application called actinav, where you can define shapes and the placement, to restrict movement. Is this possible from an URScript? I didn’t saw any mentions about it in the manual.

best regards


a) All safety planes are infinite planes. If you need to avoid specific volumes for non-safety issues, some of the third party software offerings available on our UR+ site have this capability.

b) Only 8 infinite safety planes are available.

Actinav is a product specifically designed for feeding machines from a bin of randomly located parts. Actin UR is a product that may do what you have in mind.

Hello @sauer,

There is no possibility to change any safety settings dynamically. Every time you adjust safety settings, new safety system control sum is generated. While you unlock your safety settings robot is powered off to let you change something.

Phil described all the other things :wink: