3rd Party Jar imports URCaps

So I did use another but almost the same approach:

  1. I installed the jar file to the local maven repository by executing the following command from the terminal (Have to direct to where your jar file is) - you can use the command directly without modification if you jar file has the name EasyModbusJava.jar:

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=EasyModbusJava.jar -DgroupId=de.re -DartifactId=easymodbus.modbusclient -Dversion=1.0 -Dpackaging=jar

it should look something like this:

In my pom.xml file I have the modbus included (please ignore other dependencies):


And my manifest file looks like this:

Here you notice the Bundle-Classpath and Embed-Dependency and Embed-Artifacts contains the easymodbus.modbusclient. Hope it works for you too! Else let me know if something is unclear.