Help using external dependencies / Including dependencies in plugin bundle


I am trying to use the j2mod dependency in my urcap. I got the latest build form maven repository, and included the dependency in my pom.xml file.

Then, adding the artifact id to the <Embed-Dependency>j2mod;scope=compile|runtime</Embed-Dependency> tag in the maven bundle plugin, and exclude from the <Import-Package> !com.ghgande.j2mod, com.ur.urcap.api*, *</Import-Package> tag.

This cases polyscope to want jSerialComm, Slf4j-api, Slf4j-impl… and so on. It seems to be a never ending dependency tree. So far my pom looks like this.

<Embed-Dependency>j2mod, jSerialComm, slf4j-api, slf4j-log4j12, log4j-core ;scope=compile|runtime</Embed-Dependency>



		<!-- Extended dependencies -->



			<!-- <scope>test</scope> -->

			<!-- <scope>test</scope> -->

		<!-- test dependencies -->

please help.