What is the best way to tie a UR-10E emergency stop into an external DC power supply?

What is the best way to tie an emergency stop into an external DC power supply? I have an additional power supply that runs with no interaction to my UR-10E but I want it to be shut off when I press the Emergency Stop. Originally, I was going to tie a relay into the safety pins. Is there a better way to do this?

Relay is the way to go. Use the configurable output to drive the relay coil and the power supply will run through the contacts

What would be the best way to wire that up? I have a 24v relay module as shown in the link below? Should I wire the input that flips the relay one of the pair of e-stop configurable outputs and then have the power come from another pair of configurables that are always on?

How would I go about getting the required redundancy on the estop? Just get another relay?


Safety relay should always be a force guided mechanical relay.

By using two of these force guided relays to disable the power supply output would be the most common way that I have seen.

For a quick test, would the unit that I put in my previous post be sufficient?

for testing, sure any relay would work.
I have tested similar relays to that one posted for something else, and had about 2/6 were Dead on arrival.