Variable blend in variable waypoints

My program takes waypoints from a list of poses (example: poselist = [p[1,2,3,4,5,6], p[1,2,3,4,5,6]]

most of these points will be moveL 0 blend waypoints, but some will need a little blend, and some even need to be moveJ.

For the moveJ I’m already pretty sure I’ll need to check before hand and use a switch with 2 cases, 1 moveL and 1 moveJ that will make sure i use the right one. not a big problem, just a little messy.

but how do alter the blend in these saved poses, its not saved in those 6 numbers right?

How do you know which poses need to be moveL or moveJ based on the list? Are you storing that somewhere else? If so, you could do the same thing with a list of blend radiuses and then consume those in the move commands similar to how you are choosing in the switch case to use movej or movel

I think I will use a counter with the list of poses that will swap between 2 cases(moveJ and moveL) since I already know which moves need to be moveJ instead of L.

Indeed I could do the same for the blend, although it would be a bit messy it seems like that would work.

Do you know how I can set a blend “for a variable waypoint using a pose” in script?

Yeah you just use the MoveL/J as a script command.

Just substitute the r=0 parameter with r=BLEND_RADIUS_ARRAY[index]

thank you, this works good for both at the same time.

If I dont write anything down for the speed and acceleration, will it just take standard values?

Yes, it will take the optional defaults if you do not specify the value

For instance