Ursim and end effectors

Is there any way to attach an end effector using Ursim? Or is there a way to simulate an end effector? The reason I am asking is I have a large end effector that hits the wrist 2 motor. The only way I can understand area of operation is by attaching the end effector and testing different movements. It would be much easier to using ursim.

Another option would be a moveable ur5 in solidworks. I can open the CAD drawing in solidworks which as been great for designing end effectors but the model is static and doesn’t move.


checkout “tool position” in the safety settings:

the ursim (and the real robot) will hit a protective stop if it determines that there is risk of “clamping” between the arm and the tool radius during motion:

you can also download the step file from UR, open in solidworks and apply coincident and concentric mates to the various joints and arm segments to make a movable model in solidworks.

NOTE: without the robot cell programming add-on from solidworks, the motion is clunky at best. obviously solidworks has no knowledge of kinematics, so you cant exactly drag the TCP around and get appropriate motion. Its a bit tedious, but the way i move the ur in solidworks is by applying a temporary fix/ground to the joints i dont want to move. move the joint i want to move, then remove the temp fix/ground

RoboDk (free version) is a really great software for robot studies like that. Paid version lets you generate robot paths and export direct to robot.

Venition.io has a really powerful online design tool that I have used to do a quick test reach / interference check of a concept. it lets you upload your eoat STEP and pair it to the robot.

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