Hello, I’m Soo, a developer who has been working with UR robots for about 2 years.
I’m currently involved in developing and operating a coffee-serving robot for a cafe.
During the activation process(On and Brake release) of the robot, the robot keeps automatically entering Backdrive mode upon power-up.
As far as I understand, Backdrive mode should activete when i push the Freedrive button in Idle mode. However, there were no elements found sending Freedrive commands like the pendant buttons, IO, or Rtde. My immediate suspicion is that there might be a short circuit in the pendant Freedrive switch. The switch didn’t stuck mechanically.
Could anyone else suggest other possible causes for this situation? Additionally, I’m curious if there are others experiencing similar issues like mine.
Thank you for your response.
I checked the angles of each joint, and they were within the normal range.
It seems to be the error handling one you mentioned, after all. In this case, is there any way I can resolve it on-site?
The robot should say Recovery mode, if any safety parameter is out of limit.
It does sound like a short in the freedrive button. I have seen it before, too.
Alternatively, check Installation → IO Setup for any Inputs set to enable the Freedrive function.