UR Sim with PROFINET device

It is possible to connect a UR simulator to a PLC via Profinet? I configured the Virtual box, have ping between host and VM, but I can’t discover the robot in TIA in accessible device.

same question. do you got answer from ur?

Software component responsible for Profinet communication is not installed on the simulator.

I am facing the same issue, in my fieldbus, EtherNet/IP adapter works, but Profinet i-device does not.
can you share more details what component might be missing and how to install those. Thanks!

Some more detail: I am using URSim 5.9.4. EIP works fine. when I start Profinet. I do see a new thread created listening on port 40002. But the PLC on the same network cannot reach to it.

When I switch to newer version of URSim, both EIP and PN changes behavior, once enabled, it immediately turns the LED to green and PN device name SimulatedIO is created. But there is no longer PN thread listening on any port. Is this intentional, are you removing the capability of fieldbus connection to URSim and make it pure simulation?