UR Performance Error Bug


When I upload the file for recording the run of my robot, once it goes from RECORDING to SAVING, it gives me “Error 1 at line 198”.

I wasnt sure how to exactly fix this problem. I only have 20 lines in my urp file, is there a way I can access that file where the error is being directed to?

And another thing, is it normal for the recording to ever go over 5 mintues? Sometimes when I run it will stay at recording for a long time and never save.


Pretty sure the script is bugged. Mine never went to saving. Just sat there saying recording the whole time. I forwarded that along to UR and I think they updated it since, but I haven’t gotten around to trying it out again.

I had this problem as well. It might be related to available space on the thumb drive. I replaced my thumb drive with an empty one and it was able to save correctly.