Standard Gateway Adress is set to Robot IP after restart

Software version: …5.4.3
Robot generation: … UR10e #20195000516

Steps to reproduce:

  1. First step
    Setup the STATIC IP Adress:

  2. Second step
    Restart Robot

Expected behavior:
Gateway Adress is Still
Actual behavior:
Gateway Adress is set to the Robots IP:

Having this Bug, we can’t use our desired Remote URCap Update solution so, @Ebbe, @jbm please fix this :slight_smile:

Does it work until you restart the robot?

Yes, but after restart, we can not initialize the remote SSH connection because of the overwritten Gateway Adress

I tried to add it from the terminal using “route add default gw” and then it seems to be persisted.
Hopefully this can work as a workaround until it is fixed.

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Do you have Profinet enabled?

Yes, Profinet has to be enabled.

this bug is still present. is there any suitable workaround? we actually overwrite the settings in the /etc/network/interfaces config file


is there any news about this bug?

As far as I understand this is not a bug in our profinet stack, but rather a feature of the protocol. For what we know is that PLC can overwrite some settings in network configuration.
What kind of software and PLC are you using?
We’re looking into our profinet stack now, so maybe some changes will appear soon.