Signal input minimum 5 second then start

I,m the beginner and a need help.
How I should program to robot when I want start move arm when signal input is high about minimum 5second?

This is a pretty basic idea to get you started, but there are dozens of ways to acheive this.

While (start_input) and not (started_var)
wait 5.0
set started_var true
if started_var
[ do program stuff ]
set started_var false

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Take a look here: Free e-Learning

Universal Robots offer free online training. I would definitely consider doing this training, if I were you. :slight_smile:

@WattsUp thanks for help.
@efn I did this training :slight_smile: Now I’m waiting for the training course.

Ah, right. I misunderstood your question. It sounded more simple than it actual is. :slight_smile:

If you want to have a signal high for a specific amount of time before proceeding, this is how I would do it:

Remember to enable “Check expression continuously” for the If command.

@efn Now when I saw your reply it’s look so easy :sweat_smile: