Seeking Guidance on Polyscope Programming for Milling Process Alignment

Hello community,

I’m currently working on programming a robotic arm using Polyscope, specifically for a milling process. I need assistance with ensuring that the tool center point (TCP) of the milling tool stays aligned perpendicularly to the selected points on a designated plane throughout the entire process.

Could anyone provide guidance on the specific steps or functions within Polyscope that allow me to achieve and maintain this alignment? Additionally, if there’s a particular section in the manual that covers this topic, could you please point me to it?

I appreciate any insights or links to relevant documentation that can help clarify this aspect of programming within Polyscope.

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

If there’s a particular section in the manual that covers joint locking or constraining, could you please point me to it?

Section 21.10 Joint Limits in safety settings.
For TCP orientation you can use moves relative to a user defined feature frame. Feature frames are in manual section 24.17.
Features can be transformed by the running program.

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