Security code / Factory settings


I have a question. Is it possible to delete or retrieve the security code for a UR5/CB3 robot when you don’t know any user name or password? I’ve got the robot back and I have no way of getting this information…

Or how do you reset it to the factory settings?

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Are you referring to the safety password or the mode password? :slight_smile:

Anyhow, both can be reset. I have sent you a private message.

I’d like to change the security conditions… So I’m referring to the security password, I’ll try that later today.

Thanks a lot!

(I’m not sure if I’m answering your question correctly, it’s new for me)

Well. I’m confident you mean the safety conditions and safety password. There’s not really any security settings in the CB robots. :slight_smile:

You can use the file I sent you in a private message. :slight_smile:

There is actually introduced an admin password for security settings. More information can be found here: Release Notes 5.17.X

Not on the CB series as far as I recall. :slight_smile:

No, you are right. PolyScope 5.17 will not run on the CB series😊

Hi there,

I’m having much of the same issue. My company acquired this robot second hand and unfortunately do not have access to the security password. Please assist if you can.


You’re also using the word “security”. There’s no such thing as a security password. :slight_smile:

Do you need to reset the safety password (CB and e-series) or the admin password (e-series only)?

Yes, my apologies, the safety password :slight_smile: :sweat_smile:
I’m intending to change the Boundaries of the system, but cannot as I’m missing the safety password.

I’ll send you a private message. :slight_smile: