Schmalz ECBPMi URCAP programming

I’m using this suction gripper using the set/read IO command. Does anyone know how to if there are any URCap commands that I should be using?
I can’t seem to find any documentation regarding the SDK.

Do you have the associated URCap installed?
Usually any Urcap (form any company) is only there to provided Quality of life feature, and that way making you life simpler.
if what you are doing work fine for you i wouldn’t change it.
Why are you asking?

Good Question!
I’m only asking from a best practices point of view. It seems to work fine this way.
In my experience sometimes it effects the longevity of the part.

if you are using Digital IO’s, They are with 99% likelyhood doing the exact same thing under the hood (of the URCap) as you are doing. So At least I would worry about it. If the interface to the part was alot more complex I could see a reason why it might not be the best idea.