RTDE outputs subscription is accepted by and working with two clients, the others receives an OK feed back, but the connection is closed bye the UR after maybe 1 seconde.
When Ethernet/IP is activated, then only one client can work.
So it seems that only two clients can run RTDE protocol ? Not described anywhere.
@jbm what is thought behind limiting the number of clients that can connect? We are already limited to only 1 client that can write to RTDE, why can’t more clients connect and listen to events? Won’t that impact the number of URCaps potentially that can be used on a robot? On a lot of our installations we already have 2 clients running, Profinet and our cloud monitoring device. This would only allow us to have 1 URCap that uses RTDE and is there a way to know before you install the URCap what services it is running and using?