RTDE input parameters already in use - reseting RTDE?

Continuing the discussion from RTDE input parameters already in use:

I’ve been trying to implement an RTDE interface between a CB3 controller with little success. The problem I’m running into is the exact same as the one mentioned in the attached forum post (above): ValueError: An input parameter is already in use.

I had the RTDE example code provided by UR working once before, however even that code gives the same error now.

I suspect that I somehow closed the example code incorrectly the very last time I had it working, leaving the variables it used locked down by the controller.

Does anyone know a good way to reset the RTDE interface that clears this issue?

SOLVED: The problem was that the EtherNet/IP Adapter was enabled in the instalation file. All I needed to do was disable the EtherNet/IP adapter and RTDE now works as it should

Thanks a lot, Your topic helped us a lot.

Hi, sorry to bother you, I’m new to the UR environment. Could you perhaps be more specific regarding this “instalation file”?.
My current setup is just the rtde 2.6.0 zip and an Ethernet/IP connection to my PC, and I can’t see past this specific problem.

Hi Leonardo,

The screenshot is what is meant by the Installation file.

Go to Installation tab → Fieldbus → Ethernet/IP, and disable Ethernet/IP.

I had the same issue but after disabling the Ethernet, then it solved
Now the robot does not move even with set ‘setp’. Does anyone know how to move the tcp while ‘example_control_loop.py’ is running?