RTDE input parameters already in use - Error


I am trying to connect to our UR10 cobot via RTDE and I get the “RTDE input parameters already in use” error at this line of code: robot_input_data = con.send_input_setup(input_names, input_types). I am using Python 3.10 and Windows 10.

From similar posts before, one recommended solution was to go to the installation and disable the EtherNet/IP adapter but it is already disabled for me and the error persists.

Another solution that I saw recommended at RTDE input parameters already in use - Ethernet/IP Adapter - #4 by jubeira was:
“If you ever get ‘An input parameter is already in use.’ error then first ssh to robot, and check if there is any client attached to RTDE port 30004
netstat --all --program | grep 30004
Normally there should be just one established connection from flightrecorder in polyscope on localhost. If you see more connections either from localhost or remote, then one of these processes may still hold input variables.
Input variables are released when connection is closed.”

I have not used ssh before so if someone could advise me how I would ssh to the robot that would be great. Do I need to install anything and how do I initiate the connection? If I understand correctly “netstat --all --program | grep 30004” will list all connections on port 30004. How would I then close the ones I don’t want open?

If there is another solution someone could share I would really appreciate that.

Thank you.


Suggestion of mine,

  1. please check if there any urcap installed
  2. change/delete the input parameters in xml file one by one, check which one is already in use

Hi, thanks for the reply. There are several UR Caps installed though I would prefer to avoid having to remove all of them. Also, what is the xml file you are talking about? I have one specifying the fields I am using if that is the one.

Hi, are you using the official UR RTDE python library? If so, you can find the ‘control_loop_configuration.xml’

Had the same issue,


I assume that this means that all six are “in use” . Is there any way to clear them out so that they are not in use?