I’ve been investigating that a bit more and this issue is probably related: Reverse IP parameter missing for ROS2 driver · Issue #420 · UniversalRobots/Universal_Robots_ROS2_Driver · GitHub
As a workaround for now, please see Real robot is not moving with moveit - #5 by alexnic31.
Edit: Reading the OP once again, the reverse IP is most probably not the problem at this stage (though it will be in the next step).
Just to verify:
- Your robot"s IP is 192.168.1.something
- Your docker host"s IP is
- You have enabled port forwarding for your ubuntu docker container meaning
docker container ls
shows ports 50001-50004 in thePORTS
Are all of the above true? When all of these are answered with “yes” I would assume that tings work.