Sometimes our robots end in a FALUT state, but I have nut found a good way of remote resetting this fault.
I have tried via the Dashboard interface with the following:
robotmode Robotmode: POWER_OFF
safetymode Safetymode: FAULT
close safety popup closing safety popup
power on Powering on
power off Powering off
power on Powering on
The FAULT condition typically implies a more serious error, e.g. a hardware fault.
Hence, it is not exposed by Dashboard server to reset the Fault condition.
It could though be reset by using a VNC like control of the GUI.
Have you got a better way to solve the problem?
I meet the same problem in the situation:
I cut down the power of UR robot while the robot is running,the the ‘position verification’ window is appared(as the follow image showed).
I can not close it with Dashboard scripts. so I tried the same way as yours.
It works,but it is not frendly to customer.
So,do you have a better way now? @jbm
Wishing for your response.
Hello, this screen is not currently closeable via Dashboard or other interfaces as it requires an operator to confirm that the robot is in the same place. You could closing it via VNC if you can make the connection to the robot.