Receiving error messages via Client Interfaces

I’m controlling the robot using the InterpreterMode (via port 30020) and receiving status and messages via the Secondary Client interface (port 30012), which works well - at least with the URSim 5.12 VirtualBox image.

I want to be able to get notified on errors (error code and message as it is displayed in the popups within the URSim application).
I read and interprete everything that comes in via 30012 ( I also tried the other ports 30001, 30002, …) but as it seems I only get RobotState packages (ID 16) and only 2 RobotMessage packaes (ID 20):

  • the version package (sub package ID 3)
  • a package with sub package ID 12, which is undocumented
    and nothing else.

If I produce an error that is popped up and causes the running program to be stopped, by e.g. drive the robot into a singularity, I can see the robot state bits are changing (ProgramRunning true → false, ProtectiveStopped false → true) that makes it possible to detect that something went wrong but I never receive any robot messages (ID 20) that I would expect like subpackage types


As I’ve read in another post, it might be that these kind of messages are only transmitted via the RTDE-Ports (30003/30013) - is that correct? (it would imply that I have to rework the data interpretation as the format is different to the Primary/Secondary Client interfaces).

I’ve also read a thread with a user experience which indicates that the messages sent by the robot differ between the simulation and a real device, could that be the cause of not receiving the expected data?

How can I get the text of the popup message of the URSim app/robot control panel to transport it to the controlling instance (Client) for a proper error handling?


Checking with the RTDE interface, it also turned out that the expected package RTDE_TEXT_MESSAGE (ID 77) is not sent if I produce an error by trying to move the robot to an unreachable position.
Does this point againt to a difference between URSim and a real device concerning sending error messages?