Python RTDE recipe calling

Hey everyone,

I’ve been working with the UR10 CB3 robot arm over the past few weeks, and I’ve been experimenting with movement positions using Python and the ‘setpoints’ recipe. I’ve been referencing the RTDE_Python_Client_Library_examples to guide me through this process.

My current focus is on programming the robot arm to move in a zigzag pattern while carrying an object attached to an extender on the TCP. So far, I’ve only been working with the ‘setpoints’ recipe and plane feature.

I’m wondering if it’s possible to send (X, Y, Z) coordinates as a recipe to achieve this zigzag motion. Specifically, I’d like to manipulate the custom TCP to move towards these coordinates.

If anyone has experience with this or could provide some guidance, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks in advance

edit: plane