Hi all,
I am using Script Sender and ScriptCommand from Jacob’s repository: URCap-ScriptCommunicator/com.jbm.urcap.sample.scriptCommunicator/src/main/java/com/jbm/urcap/sample/scriptCommunicator/communicator at master · BomMadsen/URCap-ScriptCommunicator · GitHub.
If the button is clicked, some script commands are sent to the robot.
However, the popups and robot movements are not evoked if I click the button again, whereas the scripts I read and append to the ScriptCommand are being read. Why is that?
Moreover, is there a way to get some syntax error messages while using this method? From what I’ve observed the script is just not executed, when an error is present.
And lastly, is there a limit on how much script I can send or how complex it can be, through this method?