Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration

Hello everyone,

Since the first day than I develop my own URCap I got all theses errors in all my (base) projects as you can see on the image.

I notice than all my projects are working and I have no error when I put the command “mvn install”.

I found something on the Eclipse Community forum about changing my connector.

link: Eclipse Community Forums: Eclipse Scout » Neon M3 maven problem

However if I add a new connector it will uninstall the current Maven connector and I’m affraid about that.

Thanks for your help ,

Defferrard Arnaud

The error regarding org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin:2.4.0:manifest has no impact on whether your URCap can build or deploy to the robot. You can dismiss the error.

Ok thank’s for the answer. :slight_smile: