Ployscope 5.15 carshed with Universal_Robots_ROS_Driver

I Upgraded my UR5e polyscope to new version 5.15, and running my code using latest Universal_Robots_ROS_Driver.
I’m using ROS1 Noetic version

  1. When dashborad’s “speed_scaling_factor” value >= 50% the ROS UR initialize crashed and I got the following message in the dashboard - “Wrist 2A: C306A3: Joint: Acceleration failed to pass sanity check”
  2. When dashborad’s “speed_scaling_factor” value < 50% - my Application is working fine
  3. Old polyscope version - my Application working fine

I downloaded the latest Universal_RobotsROS_Driver and the robot crushed when i run the following command: ```
roslaunch ur_robot_driver <robot_type>_bringup.launch robot_ip:=
its never happen with previous Polyscope versions

Hi Amir,

Probably it is too late but I hope this answer could be useful to other people
we had the same problem. In our case, we controlled the robot with a custom cartesian controller with high proportional gains and wrote the resulting joint velocity directly to the robot through Ros2 Control.

Randomly the robot stops with the error that you described. In our case, we provided the robot with a slight disturbance in the input (probably created by the differential kinematic) that led the robot to have sudden acceleration, issuing the error you are describing.

A first-order low-pass filter in our control input solved all our problems.

Maybe someone from UR can confirm this?

