I’m a student and i just started to learn to proframming UR robots and i would like to answer how do i place blocks in a line next to each other for 5 time exelampe? I need to loop this process so i know fixed waypoints are not good method. Can somebody help me which command should i use or script code?
(A…10 cm…B…10 cm…C…10 cm…D…10 cm…E…10 cm…) (So the block are the letters ABCD and beetwen them 10 centim distance)
Maybe i A is a fixed waypoint and the others are ralative but how do i program it?
You could use the built in palletizing function / wizard.
Its located in the Programming menu under Templates.
Also look at the built-in functionality called “Features.” They allow the robot to shift entire programs based on a reference point that you can programmatically change. So for example, you could teach your points to a Feature, then just do an Assignment node to pose_add() and offset to the Feature. Then all your points shift.
Here’s an example:

If you teach the MoveJ against a Feature (in my case Plane_1) then each loop the robot will shift these three waypoint 10 cm in the X direction (of Base). If you were picking from a fixed position, such as a magazine, the moves required to pick from this would simply NOT be taught to Plane_1, so that it returns to the same magazine locations each time.
Depends on the application you’re looking into. Sometimes I find the built-in palletizer to be overkill