In the photo you can see my pallet layout. I need to pick up 4 products in 1 square. when this is done I must move on to the next square. is it possible to program this in 1 program with the same feature? So that I keep moving my zero point to a different location?
I don’t think you it will be possible to achieve this with the Palletize wizard. Maybe possible, but not optimal.
You should look into doing it with variables. It will be more advanced programming for you, if you’re not used to working with variables, but it just allows you to do a lot more stuff.
Very crudely put:
Make a Feature in the installation yourself from 4 corners.
Make sure your TCP is set up right.
Make a calculation for each part place in the square adjacent to the zero point of your Feature.
Shift the part calculation from square to square by adding the offset between the squares to the variable above.
Move the robot to each position with variable waypoints and then use counters to advance to the next part.
This will take some programming if it is completely new to you.