Hi, I have com across this link 3-Position Enabling Device an Mode Selector that enables the robot to be put into 2 modes (programming and running) with a selector and another button.
In the project I am working on, I have two separate buttons, one to power ON the robot (Remote ON) and the other one to trasnsition from the IDLE state after is turned on to Robot Active, releasing the breakes qhen it does so.
I would like to know if this can only be achieved using the method in the aforementioned link, or if there are any functions/methods available to achieve the goal.
Do you already have the two buttons you mentions?
or are you asking if the solution showed in the link can be used for the same purpose as the two buttons you are mentioning?
im guessing the last one.
I dont think the solution you have given in the link is what you are looking for, as far as I know and I might be wrong, the only way to do what you are descriping is through the DashBoard Client.
Please take a look as
where fujikit has created a URCap that does something very close to what you are describing, ‘all’ that would be needed is usings some threads in the installations node to destect changes on some digital_in’s and call the corresponding command.
Thanks CG1, I’ll take a look into this URCap, I’ts pretty similar to what I am looking for.
Also, If finally y use the link I mentioned at first, it is necessary a 3 position enabling device (a push button with 3 states) or it can be a switch with 2 positions? Because I already have a selector and I don’t know if I can still use it or if is it necessary to use 100% the same structure mentioned on the link.
Thanks again,