I am however able to only plan, but the execution fails each time. One of the differences that I see between my RViZ window and the tutorial one, is that in mine, it says in that the Fixed frame: world is missing and gives a global warning: ‘No tf data’.
I have the vnc server which opens polyscope for me in the web and I can move the cobot using that. However, I cannot upload the urcap file from the resources folder of ur_robot_driver to program folder.
I tried to follow this link to intall the external control.urcap file:
But on opening the vnc server polyscope, nothing changes and I cannot see the urcap file in the polyscope. Also, I am not really sure if this in anyway helps with using moveit later to plan and execute trajectories. Please help me with the most information you have to offer since I am new to the field.
I can now visualize URSim polyscope and move the robot. In order to make URCap appear, just follow the tutorial step by step. When you are ready to go, make a “External Control program” and play it. If it is not playing, moveit cant execute the planned movement.