Greetings URCommunity,
I made a very simple program flow on Node-Red whose goal is just to test how a communication between UR and Node-Red would work.
Essentially, I am trying to obtain the loaded program by clicking on the timestamp. However, the robot is always disconnected, incurring in the error shown in the last picture.
Any help is much appreciated,
Best regards,

Just as a double check:
You are connected to the robot (or ursim) on the same network, and can communicate with the robot when you ping it via the terminal?
I have the computer and robot ont the same network and I can communicate with it via Sockettest and C#, on an app I created. It is really only here on Node-Red that I can’t establish any connection. This is completely foreign and alien territory to me, so any help is very much appreciated.
Did you solve the problem?
Your URs have to be set to “Remote Control” for any external device to connect to
the dashboard server. Is that the case?