I tried to make a spiral with a very small radius. I’ve chosen Radius=1mm (0.001m) and Blend=0.1mm(0.0001m). (Actually the “intro” to the spiral uses 1mm as a diameter):
This is (somehow) the code used:
movel(p[0.300007, -0.623016, 1.30107, 0.000034, 0.000036, -1.623212], a=10, v=5, r=0)
movec(p[0.300507, -0.622516, 1.30107, 0.000034, 0.000036, -1.623212], p[0.301007, -0.623016, 1.30107, 0.000034, 0.000036, -1.623212], a=2, v=0.08, r=0.0001)
movec(p[0.300007, -0.624016, 1.30107, 0.000034, 0.000036, -1.623212], p[0.299007, -0.623016, 1.30107, 0.000034, 0.000036, -1.623212], a=2, v=0.08, r=0.0001)
At this place I get the script-error ( not runtime error!) “movec: Blend radius too small”
(The same, when I use 0 as Blend)
This error message is somehow unusual to me. Even stranger: If I use a very big Blend (bigger than the distance between the way-points), then it works!
Can anybody explain?