Does anyone have any knowledge about how pose_dist() is implemented? We’re having trouble using this function and the documentation lacks information about this function.
Any ideas are welcome, including wild guesses
We know how pose_sub(), pose_add(), pose_inv() and pose_trans() are implemented, so pseudo code using these functions is also welcome.
I would like to know this as well.
I would like to calculate the value beforehand to find suitable speeds for a given motion.
I would guess that it determines a value for the rotation and the distance separately and then takes the greater one.
How the calculation is done I don’t know…
I would also like to know this. Here is one datapoint, perhaps we can reverse engineer the function.
This is the difference between two poses with 90 degree rotation around the z axis.
pose_dist(p[0.304, 0.443, 0.024, -2.209, 2.229, 0.03], p[0.304, 0.443, 0.024, 0.122, -3.139, 0])
The result is 0.371048. What are the units? meters? Does that imply that the rotation assumes some radius?
I can get the same answer as pose_diff if I take the angle between the two poses in radians found using this formula and multiply that by 0.25.