What engine is being used to render the HTML installation/program nodes? My pages are displaying slightly differently between Firefox and Polyscope.
Hi Eric, not positive on how to describe the engine. I know that Polyscope only supports a small amount of HTML.
The API tells you which HTML is supported as you probably know but just in case you can download that here. http://forum.universal-robots.com/t/getting-started-as-a-you-developer/28
Typically I like using a online HTML viewer to easily adjust the HTML besides that I write some HTML within Eclipse and run it through the simulator.
PolyScope interprets the HTML and renders it into out current Swing platform implementation.
For fast testing, a regular browser works OK.
But it is more valid to test the PolyScope rendering, by deploying the URCap to URSim.
hi do you have some docs about what HTML elements i can actually to use ?
it is difficult for me to design the GUI. thank you man…
Download URCaps SDK - #10 by jbm -----> This contains a lot of information about development. The API document provides the supported CSS and HTML options.