How to use the cartesian trajectory controller?


I have a UR5 robot but before I test my stuff on the real robot, I want to make sure everything works fine in gazebo simulation. I want the robot’s EE to follow a 6-DOF pose continuously. I have got a 6-DOF joystick which publishes poses continuously and I want the robot to follow it. I can do so easily using the franka emika cartesian impedance controller which they have already provided as an example and that makes me think that such a thing is possible.

For UR5, after searching I found out that pose_based_cartesian_traj_controller is something which I should be looking at. The answer requests us to go to beta-testing branch which then redirects to the staging branch

This beta-testing branch is deprecated. The changes from this branch now live on the staging branch.

I cloned the staging branch but unsure how to move forward. Could someone please provide step-by-step instructions to do that?

System details: Ubuntu 20.04 + ROS noetic on amd64 architecture
PS: I can switch to ROS melodic as well if that’s a hard-and-fast requirement.

Thanks in advance.

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