How to Pick up Books?

Hello, im not Sure if this is the right place for my Question.
I’m actually working for a Book Company and we need to sort books (good / damaged), and we wanted to get and UR Robot to sort the books with a Camera and if they are good or damaged.
But we had some issues if the Robot can pick up books without the foil, or is there an attachment?
Sorry for my bad english.

What about using a 3-finger hand? ROBOTIQ has at least one:

How are the books organised? Randomly on a table? On a conveyor? Some kind of fixture? On a shelf? Perhaps share a picture of the books you want picked up. That’ll be helpful.

Hello, the book will be on a assembly line and at the end they will be ordered if they are damaged or ok.
The books sadly havent got any foil around them that the books are more stable. So thats one problem.
At the moment I havent got any pictures, im sorry.
But thatnk you for your help :slight_smile:

Thank you very much, we will consider this one and think about it :slight_smile:

Check out this video about the robotic sorting system at Oodi public library in Helsinki:

They are also using UR-Robots with Gripper attachments to pick up books.

Thank you really much this is really interesting! :+1:

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Hi RoboBeginner,

We, at AM&C, are a Canadian Platinum distributor. I am the RSM for Québec and Eastern provinces. We can help you in French if needed.