Hi everyone , i am trying to completely program an ur10 form a single script code. But i wanna be able to execute other script form that script . Is there any way to “call” a scipt file in a script code .
This is the script i wanna run , and i wanna call the file “drillprogram” which is another script with a drilling prorgam.i wanna dos this so i can modify the drillprogram without having to modify the main script but the way i am trying to call it , doesn´t work
Thanks fro the help!! , is there any way to open the drillprogram without adding it on to the tree , and just adding the drillprogram.script on the programs folder ?
Keep in mind that you can have multiple scripts in the same file, so the drillprogram can just be tacked onto the end of the script file for the calling program, meaning you can keep similar scripts together and have fewer script references within the Polyscope tree:
** Start of file drillstuff.script
def drill1():
. #do stuff
drillprogram() #calling drillprogram
. #do more stuff