We would like to connect the UR5 with an older Trumpf v85 hydraulic press, is there anyone who has done something similar or who could give us some advice on what we need and how to connect it? Thank you
There are a number of factors to consider when integrating your UR5 with another piece of equipment.
Firstly (and most important) you need to consider the Safety you will need to integrate the E-Stop with the press. integrate safeguard stops into the safety fence circuit of the press.
I’m assuming that you want to start the press based on signals from the Robot.
Does the Press have any existing PLC that could be master to the Robot or fieldbus?
Do you need to use discreet I/O with relays?
I have no experience with Trumpf v85 hydraulic press but these are common questions I’d ask for any piece of equipment.
wir sind gerade dabei unseren UR an einer Trumpf Biegemaschine an zu schließen. Voraussetzung dafür war der Einbau einer Roboterschnittstelle. Diese muss von Trumpf eingebaut werden da diese auch entsprechend freigeschaltet werden muss.
Anders hat man keine Chance dies zu realisieren.
Hallo, hat die Intergration des UR an die TruBend funktioniert?