Ethernet communication cobot

Hello everyone, good afternoon.

I am developing a program to send data to a cobot via Ethernet/IP communication. Currently, I am using a laptop running an artificial vision application that interacts with a program on the cobot’s teach pendant. This interaction involves transmitting boolean and float values. Previously, I implemented a similar solution using PROFINET, but now I need to do so without using a PLC as an intermediary.

My question is: could someone provide ideas on how to establish Ethernet/IP communication between a controller and the cobot? Although I’m currently using a laptop, I plan to switch to a Jetson Xavier for data transmission in the future, while the robot’s control will primarily be managed by the program tree on the teach pendant.

Thank you in advance for any assistance you can offer.

Hey Cristhian,

Here is a link to a great forum post outlining all the TCP/IP communication interfaces for UR. Hope this helps!
Guide and example: UR Remote Control via TCPIP - Technical Questions / Robot Communication - Universal Robots Forum