Hello UR-Forum,
first of all I´m new to this topic and I´m very inexperienced when it comes to programming. As a student I´ve the chance to use a UR10e and I want to use this chance to get better in this topic, including programming.
I want to start with a TCP/IP connection between the Cobot and the PC. I read different topics in here already and also found some helpful websites related to it.
This is my first test now:
import socket
import time
HOST = “”
PORT = 30002
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((HOST, PORT))
s.send ((“set_digital_output(1,True)” + “\n”).encode(“utf8”))
data = s.recv(1024)
print (“Received”, repr(data))
Problem: the output on the cobot doesn´t change true or high. I do receive an answer and I checked the connection already, thatsworks so far.
Sorry for that stupid question. I also know there is RTDE for better communication but for the beginning I want to keep it simple. The RTDE is a bit too complicated for me at the moment. Thank you for some help.