I have set the first 2 configurable inputs to protective stop for automatic mode.
I want to run the robot in manual mode when light curtain is interrupted. But I still get protection stop message.
Can anyone help me?
Thanks in advance!
Best regards
Hi @sepehr.habibollahzad,
Safety settings take precedence over everything else - if you have configured inputs as safety, dependent on the light curtain it will always work, regardless of whether you are in automatic or manual mode. There is no way to change the safety settings “on the fly” dependent on the state of the sensors, etc. any, even minimal change in the safety settings changes the checksum and requires a restart of the arm.
In general, configuring the curtain as an emergency stop trigger is not quite correct if you want to drive a robot through it - because in fact, once the curtain is cut, the robot will not be able to drive out of it, as it will receive a low state on the safety inputs - preventing it from being initialized again.
If, on the other hand, you want to use the curtain to stop the robot when something else cuts it, then set the safety plane in the robot close to your curtain - this will ensure that the robot will definitely not cut it so it will not enter a permanent emergency stop.
Hope it helps!
Hello @wojciech.goral ,
Thank you for your explanation!
The user manual states that if I select “Automatic Mode Safeguard Stop” as a configurable input, I can operate the robot in manual mode even though the light curtain is interrupted.
And that’s why this configuration says “for automatic mode”.
But I don’t know why I can’t drive the robot in manual mode further. Unfortunately, I can’t find any examples.
I hope that someone can help me further!
Best regards,
Hi @sepehr.habibollahzad,
Firstly i understood your question as “normal” way to set the safeguard for UR robots - now I know that you mean to use the safeguard for the panel with the 3PE button.
Can you zoom in on the configuration what you’re using ? which robot, how the inputs are connected and configured (also in safeguard connector in control box) and which software version of UR?
Hi @sepehr.habibollahzad,
As i can see you have connected this curtain to the safeguard connector in controlbox, here :

Safeguard Stop and Emergency Stop inputs in control box are above everything - that is why on default there is short circuit. It is completely independent and you can’t change the behaviour of these inputs.
If you connect the curtain under the safeguard stop input in the control box and to the CI1, CI2 inputs then here lies your problem.It doesn’t work in a way that you control the safeguard input via CI1 and CI2. Configuring the configurable inputs as safety turns them into safety inputs, which you can configure according to your needs. So - connect your curtain only to the configurable inputs CI1, CI2 and short circuit the safeguard inputs as default.
That should solve your problem.
Best regards,