Light curtain and Limited switches for UR10e

Hello UR society.

So, in my current project I have to do following:
Set the light curtain near UR10e which works the same way as safeguard button. So, if something go through light curtain, robot will be stopped. In parallel, I have to install limited switch(es) which will activate parallel circuit of light curtain. Thus, if light curtain is interrupted, robot will not get paused as circuit is still closed from limited switch side.
I know that just simple circuit will cause malfunction of either light curtain or robot itself. I also know that I need safety relays in this schematic.

Can you please recommend me which type of safety relay will be appropriate for this circuit and where does it take space in the abovementioned schematics?

Thanks in advance,

is this some sort of muting switch operation? if so, more LC have inputs for that directly

I believe the UR does not have cross wire monitoring on its inputs, so you’re correct in the assumption that you would need a safety relay. You can verify this for yourself by take a single 24v line and feed it into both safety inputs on the UR. You’ll find that it is perfectly content. As a result, your light curtain will feed into the safety inputs on the safety relay, and you will just take 24v through 2 sets of contacts off it and feed those into your UR controller.

Then I would just take my switches and put them through some normal relays, just to isolate them from the Light Curtain, and either feed them directly into the UR’s safety as well.

Otherwise, as mricchino suggests, some light curtains have this type of behavior built into them.

Thanks a lot for your support.