Defining A Pallet With Wizard then Calling Specific Pallet Points Throughout The Program

Good Day,

We are working on an application that we would like to be able to define a 2d pallet 5x5 but I don’t want to use the wizard to “do operations” at the pallet positions… I would like to “call” specific pallet positions as defined by a variable coming in over Ethernet/IP.

In other robot languages this is pretty simple to do by just defining the pallet by teaching the corners and then calling out something like “move to Pallet1(13)” whereas 13 is the position number of pallet1.

I’m unclear if I set the Pallet in the wizard, if I can call out specific points throughout the program. If so, I’m assuming it would be a script command, could anyone share the syntax for something like that?

Thank you in advance.

That’s not possible with the UR palletizing wizard, as far as I’m aware.

The wizard works by offsetting a feature/frame decided by a counting variable, and then the whole wizard node has to be executed.

The only way to sort of achieve this is by setting the counting variable to your wanted palletizing position, and then executing the Pallet node.
You could have no actions in the folder for “Actions”. And then have the Pallet as a subprogram and call that, after you set the variable.

To define a palette with a wizard, you can create a structure (like an array or object) to store your color values. once you select and set these colors through the wizard, you can reference specific colors in your program by their position or name. For instance, if you define palette = [color1, color2, color3], you can call palette[0] to access color1 whenever needed. this method allows you to easily manage and apply your color choices throughout the program.