Dashboard Server - Reading Position, sending QR-Code

Hello there,

for a production system i am working with a UR10e and the robotiqs wrist cam.
I want to do different programs, that i start and stop from python using the dashboard server.
So what i like to do is:

  • Scan a QR-Code using the wrist cam (the QR-Code is placed on a Box with 1-4 objects
    → read that QR-information from python, so that I can look into my data bank, which and how many objects are in the box (the information is stored there)
  • locate the QR-Code
  • use the position of the QR-Code in other programs without having to cam locate again, because that would cost to much time (I want to pick the objects, I know the distance from the QR-Code to the object, but I need the information from the program locating the QR-Code in the other programs, because I don’t want to have everything in one big program)

Has anyone a solution on how to get the position data in a global variable and how to get the QR-Information to the Cobot using the Dashboard Server?
Thank you so much for your help!

Global position data (poses) can be stored in installation variables as long as all your programs share the same installation file.

What format/data structure is the QR information?